As a general guide high blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher (or 150/90mmHg or higher if you're over the age of 80) ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 1/80mmHg Blood pressure readings between 1/80mmHg and 140/90mmHg could mean you're at risk of developing high blood pressure if you do · Anxiety definitely drives up your BP I'm physically active and my BP is normally over 68 to 80 My diet makes it lower too However I was at the Dr during an attack and itCan anxiety make ur blood pressure get high when i have anxiety symptoms i notice a lot my bp gets verry high how can i help this im on toporal 100 mg?

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Is blood pressure 150/100 high-First stage — blood pressure above 140/90 to 160/90 or 160/100, that is, at an average of blood pressure 150/100 This is the initial stage of the disease, when few symptoms, no serious changes in other organs and systems Level of high blood pressure unstable · When my blood pressure goes too high like 160/100 or higher in get bad anxiety and headaches I don't have high blood pressure but i check it last night and it was 150/100 i jad a bad headache across my fotehead Wha does thay mean

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· My blood pressure has always been normal at around 1/78 Over the last few months I have noticed a major difference in my BP usually around 150/100 The top number is sometimes a bit higher (in the upper 150s) but today is the first time I have noticed the bottom number reach 100 (although it is usually in the upper 90s) I have experienced a transient · Managing stress or anxiety High stress can elevate blood pressure Therefore, it is best to try taking blood pressure after getting medical test results, not beforeTry This by Anonymous To cope with the anxiety of having your blood pressure either taken by a medical person or yourself try the following deep breathing exercise 1 Close your mouth and take in a deep breath through your nose Hold for count of 2 2 Open your mouth slightly and breath out for a count of 8
· One of these is high blood pressure brought on or made worse by anxiety, depression and anger Now, I'm wondering what effect panic attacks have on blood pressure It seems no coincidence that I am being treated for HBP at the moment (0/1 at its worst, now around 150/100 with meds)Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in your blood vessels (arteries) Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm hg) Your blood pressure is recorded as two figures For example, 150/95 mm hg This is said as 150 over 95 · "Well, it is fair to say that individual episodes of anxiety can cause blood pressure to rise, at times significantly, during an episode," says David D Clarke, MD, President, Psychophysiologic Disorders Association (stressillnesscom), Clinical Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology Emeritus, Oregon Health & Science University, and author of "They Can't Find
· High blood pressure warning experiencing this feeling could prove lifethreatening HIGH blood pressure often slips under the radar but aNormal blood pressure is 110/70 and 1/80 mm of mercury article Pressure 140 over 100 is considered hypertensive in the first degree, 160/100, the second (moderate) stage, and 180/110 or above is the third (heavy) phase For high blood pressure disturbed the permeability of the arteries and blood vessels atrophyYour blood pressure reading of 150/100 indicates Hypertension Stage 2 It is the second stage of high blood pressure Hypertension Stage 2 means that the heart has to work hard too to ensure a supply of the entire tissue in the body

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Answer From Sheldon G Sheps, MD Anxiety doesn't cause longterm high blood pressure (hypertension) But episodes of anxiety can cause dramatic, temporary spikes in your blood pressure If those temporary spikes occur frequently, such as every day, they can cause damage to your blood vessels, heart and kidneys, as can chronic high blood pressure In addition, people · A hypertensive crisis is a severe increase in blood pressure that can lead to a stroke Extremely high blood pressure — a top number (systolic pressure) of 180 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or higher or a bottom number (diastolic pressure) of 1 mm Hg or higher — can damage blood · Acute blood pressure (BP) increase is one of the most common causes for referral to the emergency room 1, 2 In most patients the condition, although urgent, is not an emergency, and intravenous treatment is not required 2 There are no guidelines on how to treat patients with acute BP elevation Until 1996 the common practice was to use sublingual nifedipine to lower BP 3–6

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· It's normal for your blood pressure to respond to stress but not to be elevated this much (top number of around 140) You may be instructed to watch your diet, lose weight if you are overweight and be given an exercise program to see if that helps first Having blood pressure 150/100 and I'm taking Olmesar 40 mg ones a day · Systolic (top number) Diastolic (bottom number) Blood pressure category 90 or below 60 or below hypotension 91 to 119 61 to 79 normal between 1 and 129Few days back due to a bit of tiredness and fatigue went and checked sugar levels (a parent diabetic and have history of prediabetes which was controlled with diet) Random blood glucose was 103 So checked BP immediately (clinical bp monitor) which was 150/100 Having a history of low BP this was a bit alarming

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· Symptoms to look out for include blurred vision difficulty breathing dizziness headaches nausea and vomiting rapid heart rateAge – As we age our blood pressure increases because the arterial walls lose their elasticity Stress – By activating the sympathetic nervous system, stress can cause the arteries to maintain a more rigid tone Excessive salt – The sodium in salt can cause excess water retention, expands blood volume and ultimately increases blood pressureYour blood pressure reading of 150/100 indicates Hypertension Stage 2 It is the second stage of high blood pressure Hypertension Stage 2 means that the heart has to work hard too to ensure a supply of the entire tissue in the body By the way Your systolic value of 150 mmHg is better than your diastolic value and would classify as Hypertension Stage 1

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Depending on the exact classification used, pressures around / would be called mild hypertension Pressures around / would be called moderate, and pressures higher, eg 0/1 would be considered fairly severe In reality blood pressure is a continuum, and it is someti Continue ReadingAnxiety, worrying, stressing things, can all raise blood pressure That is normal Just try to relax I know, easier said than done I have white coat syndrome, my blood pressure is fine at home but at the doctors office it is always a little high It doesn't help that they take your blood pressure wrong 99% of the timeMany factors can affect blood pressure, including 1) The amount of water and salt you have in your body 2) The condition of your kidneys, nervous system, or blood vessels 3) Your hormone levels 4) your lifestyle smoking, drinking, exercise Stress, less sleep, smoking, alcohol, overweight, heart, kidney problems , lack of physical exercise All of these can cause High blood pressure

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May be checked regularly but does not usually need treatment moderate – blood pressure between 150/100 and 159/109mmHg severe – blood pressure of 160/110mmHg or higher · Answer Your blood pressure rises and falls naturally throughout the day, and can be affected by stress, anxiety, exertion, alcohol and food · Nor does their blood pressure increase with age By contrast, in the west, where people eat an average of 1012 grams of salt per day, blood pressure rises with age by an average of 05mm Hg a

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· This reduction in anxiety had a great effect on blood pressure levels Systolic blood pressure before the reiki treatments was 1431 mmHg vs 1152 mmHg 48hours after surgery, a reduction of 279 mmHg Diastolic blood pressure before treatments was 743 mmHg vs 604 mmHg 48hours after surgery, a reduction of 139 mmHg Mindfulness meditation · My Blood Pressure Is 150/100 In The Morning I Have Bad Headaches Sick And Someimes Tingly Arms This has been diagnosed years ago but recently worse, I am living better life no stress but haveReadings between 140/90 and 159/99 indicate Stage 1 Hypertension, which means the force of the blood pressure in your arteries is higher than normal Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure of greater or equal to 140 and/or a diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 90

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· Interestingly, anxiety can also cause a type of high blood pressure commonly called white coat hypertension This type happens when your blood pressure isThe resulting anxiety can elevate blood pressure 10 points or more" Studies have shown that clinics rarely take two or more blood pressure readings, even though the ACC/AHA guidelines suggest that doing so could reduce the effects of WCH There is no method for eliminating WCH, but measuring blood pressure several times at home or work andYour blood pressure is much higher than normal (such as 180/110 or higher) You think high blood pressure is causing symptoms such as Severe headache Blurry vision Shortness of breath Chest pain Anxiety Call a doctor if Your blood pressure is 140/90 or higher on two or more occasions

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· If your blood pressure goes up and down with changes in your anxiety levels but is generally within normal range, you shouldn't need any medicine for high blood pressure However, hypertension is common (affecting over 40% of adults in the US), so if you happen to have both hypertension and an anxiety disorder, it's extremely important that you and your doctor find aHypertensive Crisis When You Should Call 911 for High Blood Pressure A hypertensive ( high blood pressure or HBP) crisis is when blood pressure rises quickly and severely with readings of 180/1 or greater The consequences of uncontrolled blood pressure in this range can be severe and include Stroke Loss of consciousness · That is a problem because anxiety and nerves while taking these tests can raise your reading so that it is not an accurate indicator of your true heart health This fear of having your blood pressure checked may be caused by another factor, white coat syndrome or white coat hypertension (WHT) as defined by the Mayo Clinic

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What is high blood pressure There are 3 levels of hypertension mild – blood pressure between 140/90 and 149/99mmHg (millimetres of mercury); · Anxiety can cause a person to feel extremely anxious or worried and this can cause an increase in blood pressure When you are anxious, your heart rate goes up At the same time, the ventricles (chambers) of the heart contract more forcefully, which causes an increase in pressure Stress is one a cause of anxiety, and stress can also cause high · My blood pressure has always been normal at around 1/78 Over the last few months I have noticed a major difference in my BP usually around 150/100 The top number is sometimes a bit higher (in the upper 150s) but today is the first time I have noticed the bottom number reach 100 (although it is usually in the upper 90s) Today it was 151/100

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· 685 Jan 14, #2 blood pressure changes by the second and there are many things that can cause it to increase or decrease i highly suggest your refrain from taking your blood pressure unless you've been instructed to do so by a doctor this is exactly why without instruction from your doctor, you don't know the parameters for taking it · Depends A single elevated blood pressure reading is meaningless because blood pressure can go up for a number of reasons including pain and anxiety Chronically elevated blood pressure needs to be addressed because it can lead to problems with the heart, kidneys an brain · In many cases, panic attacks raise your blood pressure temporarily due to the increased amount of adrenaline hormone rushing to your blood A lot of people go to the hospital and find that their blood pressure is higher than normal The doctor may diagnose you with high blood pressure (HBP) and run some tests

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